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Gold Bathroom


How to Fit a Bath Panel Like a Pro: 5 Simple Steps

by Elena M 01 Apr 2024
  • Introduction
  • Understanding Bath Panels
    • What Is a Bath Panel?
    • Types of Bath Panels
    • How much does it cost to fit a bath panel in uk?
    • Why Fit a Bath Panel Yourself?
    • Do you need a frame to fit a bath panel?
    • Understanding common bath panel sizes 
  • Planning and Preparation
    • Measure Your Bath
    • Gather Required Tools
  • Step-by-Step Guide to Fitting a Bath Panel
  • Step-by-Step Guide to Fitting an end bath panel to a bath
  • DIY vs. Hiring a Professional
  • Maintenance and Care
  • Conclusion

How to Fit a Bath Panel

Are you wondering How to fit a bath panel? Bath panels not only add a finishing touch to your bathtub but also serve a functional purpose by concealing unsightly plumbing and pipework. While you might consider hiring a professional to fit your bath panel, opting for a DIY approach can be cost-effective and rewarding. In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the process of fitting a bath panel yourself, helping you save money and achieve the best results.

Understanding Bath Panels

What Is a Bath Panel?

A bath panel is a removable panel installed on the side of your bathtub. It serves both aesthetic and practical purposes, enhancing the overall appearance of your bathroom while hiding plumbing and pipework beneath the bath. Bath panels come in various materials, including acrylic and MDF, and are available in different sizes to fit your bathtub perfectly.

Types of Bath Panels

Bath panels come in two main materials: 



 Acrylic panels are easy to cut and generally cost less than MDF panels. MDF bath panels are solid and do not bend like acrylic panels when fitted correctly. When choosing an MDF bath panel, consider the thickness of the board, as thicker panels are less likely to bow.

Why Fit a Bath Panel Yourself?

Fitting a bath panel yourself offers several advantages. Firstly, it can significantly reduce costs, as you won't need to hire a professional. Secondly, it allows you to customize the installation to match your bathroom's décor, ensuring an attractive overall appearance. Moreover, the step-by-step process we'll outline in this guide makes it relatively easy for DIY enthusiasts to complete the task efficiently.

How much does it cost to fit a bath panel in the UK?

The cost to fit a bath panel in the UK can range from £20 to £100 or more for materials if you do it yourself. If you hire a professional, labor costs may add an extra £50 to £150 or more. However, the total cost can vary depending on the specific project and any additional structural work needed.

Do you need a frame to fit a bath panel?

Yes, you may need a frame to fit a bath panel, but it depends on the specific type of bath panel you have and the installation requirements. Let's break it down to help you understand:

  • Frameless Bath Panels:
        • Some bath panels, especially those made of acrylic or other flexible materials, can be installed without a frame. These panels are designed to be attached directly to the bath or the wall, depending on the style and manufacturer's instructions.
        • Frameless bath panels are typically easier to install and are a popular choice for DIY projects. They often come with adjustable legs that allow you to fit them to the height and shape of your bath.
  • Bath Panels Requiring a Frame:
        • In some cases, especially with more rigid bath panels made of materials like MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard), you may need to build a frame to support the panel properly. This is common when the panel doesn't have built-in support or when the floor is uneven.
        • The frame provides structural support, ensures the panel sits securely, and helps prevent any bowing or warping over time.
        • You can create a frame using wooden battens or studs. These should be securely fixed to the floor and possibly the wall, depending on your specific bath panel's requirements.
        • Once the frame is in place, you can attach the bath panel securely to it.
  • Manufacturer's Instructions:
      • It's essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions that come with your bath panel. They will specify whether a frame is necessary for your particular panel and provide guidance on the installation process.
      • If the instructions recommend a frame, it's crucial to build it according to their specifications to ensure a proper fit.

    Common Bath Panel Size

    Bath panel sizes refer to the dimensions of panels that cover the sides of your bathtub. They come in various lengths and heights to fit different types of baths. Common sizes include 1500mm, 1600mm, 1700mm, and 1800mm for front panels, and 700mm, 750mm, and 800mm for end panels. Choosing the right size ensures a perfect fit for your bath.

    Planning and Preparation

    Before you start fitting your bath panel, proper planning and preparation are essential.

    1.Measure Your Bath

    Begin by measuring your bathtub to ensure the bath panel fits perfectly. Measure the distance from the rim of your bath to the floor to determine the required panel height. Additionally, measure the length of your bath to determine the appropriate panel length. Always double-check your measurements to ensure accuracy.

    2.Gather Required Tools

    To complete this DIY project successfully, you'll need the following tools:

  • Electric drill
  • Screwdriver
  • Tape measure
  • Pencil
  • Wooden batten (size dependent on the panel type)
  • Wood screws
  • Having these tools ready will streamline the installation process and help you achieve the best results.

    Step-by-Step Guide to Fitting a Bath Panel

    Now, let's dive into the step-by-step process of fitting a bath panel yourself.

    STEP 1: Trim the Bath Panel

    If your bath panel is slightly off in size or needs adjustments to fit around pipes or skirting boards, you'll need to trim it down. Use a pencil to mark the panel where it needs trimming and then carefully cut it with a saw. Afterward, use fine-grit sandpaper to smooth any rough edges created during the cutting process.

    STEP 2 : Mark the Position

    Hold the trimmed bath panel up against the bath to test the fit. Use a spirit level to ensure it's straight and make any necessary adjustments for pipes or skirting boards. Mark the position of the front and back of the panel on the floor; this will guide you when attaching a wooden batten.

    STEP 3 : Attach a Wooden Batten

    Secure a wooden batten to the floor, ensuring it runs the full length of the bath and is inset at the appropriate distance from the bath edge. Use your spirit level to make sure it's level. This batten will support the bath panel.

    STEP 4 : Secure the Bath Panel

    Drill three evenly spaced holes along the lower edge of the bath panel, aligning them with the wooden batten. Use wood screws to secure the bath panel to the batten, ensuring it's firmly in place. Cap the screws for a clean finish.

    STEP 5 :Finishing Touches

    With the bath panel securely attached, make any final adjustments to ensure it aligns perfectly with the bathtub. Check for any gaps or uneven areas and make necessary tweaks. Once you're satisfied with the fit, your bath panel installation is complete.

    How do you fit an end panel to a bath?

    Here's how to fit an end panel:

    Step 1: Trim the End Panel

    Similar to the front panel, you may need to trim the end panel to fit your specific bath. Mark the areas that require trimming with a pencil, then use a saw to carefully cut the panel. Smooth any rough edges with fine-grit sandpaper.

    Step 2: Align the End Panel

    Hold the trimmed end panel against the end of your bath to check the fit. Use a spirit level to make sure it's perfectly straight. Make any necessary adjustments to accommodate pipes or skirting boards.

    Step 3: Attach a Wooden Batten

    Just as with the front panel, secure a wooden batten to the floor along the length of the end panel. Ensure it's level and inset at the appropriate distance from the bath's edge. This batten provides support for the end panel.

    Step 4: Drill and Secure

    Drill three evenly spaced holes along the lower edge of the end panel, aligning them with the wooden batten. Use wood screws to secure the end panel to the batten firmly. As before, cap the screws for a neat finish.

    Step 5: Final Adjustments

    With the end panel securely attached, make any final adjustments to ensure it aligns perfectly with the end of the bathtub. Check for any gaps or uneven areas and make necessary tweaks. Once satisfied with the fit, your end panel is successfully installed.

    DIY vs. Hiring a Professional

    While fitting a bath panel yourself can be a cost-effective and rewarding DIY project, some individuals may prefer to hire a professional for added convenience and expertise. Consider your skill level, available time, and budget when deciding between a DIY approach and professional installation.

    Maintenance and Care

    Maintaining the splendor of your bath panel, especially in a gold bathroom setting, is essential to ensure its longevity and continued elegance. Here are some detailed tips for effective maintenance and care:

    Regular Cleaning Regimen

    • Frequency is Key: Regular cleaning is crucial. Dust and moisture can accumulate on the panel’s surface, potentially damaging the material or dulling the finish over time. Ideally, wipe down the panel after each bath use to prevent water spots and soap scum accumulation.
    • Gentle Cleaning Products: Choose cleaning products wisely. For a gold bathroom, you'll want to maintain the luster without causing harm to the gold detailing. Use mild, non-abrasive cleaners that are suitable for the panel’s material. If in doubt, opt for warm water and a mild dish soap, which are usually safe for most surfaces.
    • Soft Cleaning Tools: Use a soft cloth or sponge to clean the panel. Avoid scouring pads or abrasive sponges, as these can scratch the surface, especially if your panel has a glossy finish or delicate gold detailing.

    Protecting the Gold Details

    • Special Care for Gold bath panel : If your bath panel includes gold trims or inlays, take extra care when cleaning these areas. Use a soft, damp cloth to gently wipe them. Avoid using harsh chemicals or metal polishes, as these can tarnish or erode the gold finish.
    • Polishing Gold Accents: To maintain the shine of the gold details, you can use a gold-specific polish or cleaner. Apply a small amount on a soft cloth and gently rub it on the gold surfaces, then buff with a clean, dry cloth to restore the shine.

    Avoiding Damage and Scratches

    • Prevent Scratches: Be mindful of objects that might scratch the panel, such as cleaning tools, children’s toys, or metal bath accessories. Place these items carefully to prevent accidental scratches.
    • Immediate Repair of Scratches: If your panel does get scratched, address it immediately. For minor scratches, a repair kit designed for the specific material of your panel can be used. For gold detailing, a touch-up pen or paint can restore the appearance.

    Regular Inspections

    • Check for Water Damage: Periodically inspect the panel for signs of water damage, especially along the seams and edges. If you notice any peeling or discoloration, reapply silicone sealant to ensure proper waterproofing.
    • Look for Loose Elements: Ensure that any decorative elements, like gold trims, are securely attached. If they become loose, reattach them using a suitable adhesive to maintain the cohesive look of your bathroom.

    Dealing with Tough Stains

    • Tackle Stains Promptly: If you encounter tough stains, tackle them promptly to prevent permanent discoloration. Use a non-abrasive cleaner and gently scrub the area. For stubborn stains, a mixture of baking soda and water can be used as a gentle scrubbing paste.

    By following these maintenance and care tips, your luxurious bath panel in a gold bathroom will continue to exude elegance and sophistication, contributing to the overall allure of your bathroom space.


    In conclusion, fitting a bath panel yourself is a manageable DIY project that can enhance the appearance of your bathroom and save you money. With the right tools, careful measurements, and attention to detail, you can achieve professional-looking results. By following this step-by-step guide, you'll have your bath panel securely in place, providing an attractive and functional addition to your bathroom. Enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done and the cost savings that come with it.

    How do you envision the ideal bath panel in your gold-themed bathroom? What materials and designs would you choose to complement the luxurious aura of your space?

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